Thursday, February 11, 2016

Daily Participation Points

Every day is worth 1 point if you follow all the guidelines below.  If not you lose your daily point.  Daily participation point totals account for 40% of the semester grade.

Areas of focus for managing your own classroom behavior

-Getting needed supplies ready without being asked. (Usually the supply list is on the chalkboard if not ask or get the supplies needed for project currently in progress)

-Listening not talking during the review of daily expectations.

-Being a self motivator, striving to discover possible solutions to the supplied questions of the day even if the issues are tough. 

-Taking good care of supplies including cleaning and returning used supplies to the proper storage location and cleaning work area.  

-Taking care of art work including craftsmanship and neatness while working. 

-Respect the artwork of other students.  Respect the art room and all the items in it.  Respect other students and refrain from spreading gossip or talking trash.

-Maintaining focus during the entirety of the class period.  If you choose to converse with others be able to multitask and not let the conversation distract learning or steal work time.  If this is something you cannot manage I will intervene and solve the issue.

-Refusing to engage in horseplay, throwing things, distracting others, traveling to chat or using inappropriate language.

-Respecting the smart device/cell phone policy.

-Working in your assigned area. 

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